For all of our Scenic Rim ratepayer community, the average 1.8 per cent rates increase is possible because of the early positive impacts of Council’s ‘refresh and refocus’ journey, delivering savings in the way we do business. It’s an exciting time, and we expect more improvements to follow.
This act of improving the budget is something I believe every business should always be prepared to challenge about itself.
This process is not without its difficulties! This year’s budget was adopted with a deficit of $1 million. We made this decision to absorb some of the increases in costs and achieve the right balance. In doing so, we were able to keep the average rates increase as close to CPI as possible and avoid cutting funding to important initiatives we are driving to improve the Scenic Rim’s economy.
In the formulation of our Council budget, we have maintained a strong focus around ensuring strong infrastructure to support the economic development of the region.
Along with our ongoing focus on roads and bridges, we’ve included some key strategic focuses around strengthening employability through the Regional Skills Investment Strategy in partnership with the State Government and the major investment in the expansion of the Beaudesert Business Park in Enterprise Drive. Click here to read more about these.
Our commitment to our existing businesses remains strong, and this is evidenced in how we’ve improved our trading terms, shortening them from 60 days back to 30 days, to support cash flow for suppliers. The other piece is shifting the sourcing of supply and engaging with local suppliers to take up the opportunity to be a supplier of Council. You will see more activity in this space.
Collaboration is key
The strength of our partnerships with our local industries is evidenced in the Eat Local Week program, which is recognised widely as a showcase of collaboration between local government and small businesses, particularly around the provenance of the products of the region.
Right after we finish Eat Local Week we’ll be showcasing the Scenic Rim at Regional Flavours and the Ekka, continuing to espouse the qualities of our region and the value it creates for a wide-ranging consumer audience in the heart of Brisbane. These huge opportunities are for the ultimate benefit of our local economy and business community as a whole.
Beyond Eat Local Week, through these big Brisbane activations and through our year-round Eat Local Scenic Rim Accredited Locavores program, we are always focused on celebrating our local suppliers, and those partnerships are so important.
And on that note, make sure you get to one of the 90 Scenic Rim Eat Local Week events on offer! We’ve had a massive response this year, and so many sell-out events but there are still some tickets available! Check out the program at and celebrate our wonderful region
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